
Our lush 2,300 acres of land offer a serene reprieve from the nearby heart of the Palm Beaches.

With homes designed by preferred builders, Mirasol’s 23 diverse neighborhoods offer a unique collection of family residences harmoniously intertwined with the vibrant greens of our golf courses and our 850 acres of natural habitat and preserve areas.

Membership to The Country Club at Mirasol is mandatory with home ownership, and we offer three categories of membership to suit prospective residents. Memberships correlate with the home, so we recommend reviewing the categories of membership prior to the home search. Click here to learn more about the categories we offer.

Top Inset Sunset
Explore….Our Award-Winning Community

Expand the menus below for information about our first-class security services and our community’s commitment to the environment.

We invite you to contact us if we may offer you further information about our award-winning community!

Caring for our residents and environment!

Safety Security

Safety & Security

The safety of our residents is our top priority. To that end, we employ a dedicated and experienced group of security personnel who ensure that our gated community is secure around the clock.

Our streets are patrolled daily and in addition to daytime and nighttime thermal imaging cameras stationed at the perimeter of our property, we also utilize a convenient emergency notification system for critical phone and text communications to our residents. Additional technology we offer includes a gate access mobile app by which residents may conveniently add guests to their entry lists day or night.

We are also fortunate to have first responders and paramedics on our security team. They are the first to arrive at any medical emergency that may occur, and they work closely with local officials to administer timely and effective care. Among the medical apparatus immediately available to our team is the LUCAS automated life-saving device, which performs automated CPR to the precise depth and rate recommended by the American Heart Association.

Mirasol was only the second private, residential community in the entire state of Florida to obtain the recognition of StormReady®by the National Weather Service (NWS). StormReady communities are better prepared to save lives from the onslaught of severe weather through advanced planning, education and awareness.

In addition, a mass notification system called CodeRED is utilized by our community that sends personalized emergency alert messages via call or text to members that register with Mirasol Security.

Enjoy peace of mind at Mirasol, whether you will be a full-time resident or will consider us your home away from home!

Environmental Commit

Environmental Commitment

The Country Club at Mirasol is an Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary!

Our Golf Course Maintenance team entered into this valuable relationship with Audubon International in 2012 in an effort to preserve the many diverse species of wildlife that inhabit Mirasol’s 2,300 acres.

The Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program will ensure that we apply sustainable resource management practices in the long-term stewardship of our property.

The Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf Courses, endorsed by the United States Golf Association, provides information and guidance to help golf courses preserve and enhance wildlife habitat, and protect natural resources. Golf courses from the United States, Africa, Australia, Canada, Central America, Europe, Mexico, and Southeast Asia have achieved certification in the program.

“The Country Club at Mirasol has shown a strong commitment to its environmental program. They are to be commended for preserving the natural heritage of the area by protecting the local watershed and providing a sanctuary for wildlife on the golf course property,” said Christine Kane, CEO at Audubon International.

“To reach certification, a course must demonstrate that they are maintaining a high degree of environmental quality in a number of areas,” explained Kane. These categories include: Environmental Planning, Wildlife & Habitat Management, Outreach and Education, Chemical Use Reduction and Safety, Water Conservation, and Water Quality Management. Courses go through a recertification process every three years.

We will continue to find new and innovative ways of maintaining our environment and invite you to make the same commitment in your home. Practicing good environmental stewardship in and around your home is a vital way to make a positive contribution to the environment where you live. Click here for more information about Audubon International’s Treasuring Home Pledge.

In addition to our partnership with Audubon International, we also have an Environmental Committee, comprised of members who are dedicated to preserving and improving Mirasol’s environment while respecting the integrity of its habitat and demonstrating fiscally-responsible decision making. The Committee’s objective is to effectively pursue environmentally-friendly operations within the community in support of Mirasol’s core values. Environmental initiatives in place include a battery recycling drop-off program; annual shredding event; transition to LED lighting; addition of Dyson dryers in our Sports Complex and golf course comfort stations; straws upon request only; club-wide switch to compostable plastic straws; elimination of Styrofoam and plastic cups; change to single stream recycling of cans, glass, plastic, and cardboard; and the addition of an ORCA food digestor, which enzymatically breaks down food waste and discharging it safely into our wastewater system. As a result of these efforts, Mirasol is diverting 22 football fields worth of recycling/food waste from the landfills per year!

Bee Inspired

“Bee Inspired” Initiative

Many diverse species of wildlife inhabit our lush 2,300 acres, but did you know that thousands of busy European honeybees also call Mirasol their place in the sun?

In an ongoing effort to advance our sustainable resource management practices as a certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary, we engaged beekeeper Sierra Malnove of Sierra’s Bees to install 20 beehives in remote parts of our community in February 2019. Over thousands of  pounds of honey have been harvested to date for use in our extensive culinary operations, from marinades to appetizers, desserts and cocktails. We add a special “Bee Inspired” logo to our menus, indicating the recipes that include our very own honey.

With our beeswax, we are also producing an exclusive “Yes! Honey” branded lip balm which is available in our Golf Pro Shop, Tennis Center, and The Spa and Salon. Several lines of luxurious “Yes! Honey” spa and salon products are now available, and additional uses for future harvests are being discussed.

Did you know that the flavor profile of honey can vary depending on what is in bloom at the time the honey is created? With bees getting most of their nectar from trees, we will have no shortage of plants for these purposeful pollinators!

#Mirasolcrittercorner on Instagram

Member Carly LaFlamme has a great blue heron that loves to visit her patio, and we are thrilled she was able to capture this moment on video for us!
Great Blue Herons often preen more after a rainstorm, so you may see behavior like this quite a bit this week! Rain can cause their feathers to become wet, ruffled, or out of alignment. By preening after a storm, herons can restore the condition of their feathers, ensuring they remain in optimal shape for hunting, flight, and thermoregulation.
Have you come across any #floridawildlife while enjoying time at Mirasol? Share your photos with us for a chance to be featured on our social media accounts on a future #wildlifeWednesday!
#mirasolcrittercorner #auduboncooperativesanctuary #greatblueheron #heron #floridabird
Have you seen one of these vibrant reptiles at Mirasol? Member Joe Fiscella spotted this Cuban Knight Anole and we thank him for sharing this great photo with us!

Cuban Knight Anoles are arboreal, meaning they spend most of their lives in trees. They are often seen basking on tree trunks or large branches, where they blend in with the leaves. The largest species of anole, they can reach up to 20 inches in length, which is much larger than other anole species.

Have you come across any #floridawildlife while enjoying time at Mirasol? Share your photos with us for a chance to be featured on our social media accounts on a future #wildlifeWednesday!

#mirasolcrittercorner #knightanole #anole #lizard
This is a common call heard at Mirasol, and we thank member Amy Wexler for being in the right place at the right time to capture it on video for us!

The call of a red-shouldered hawk is often described as a sharp, high-pitched whistle, and the bird typically repeats it several times in succession. This loud, piercing call is used to mark territory and communicate with other hawks. Interestingly, their call is sometimes imitated by blue jays, which can cause confusion in the wild when trying to spot the hawk!

Have you come across any #floridawildlife while enjoying time at Mirasol? Share your photos with us for a chance to be featured on our social media accounts on a future #wildlifeWednesday!

#mirasolcrittercorner #auduboncooperativesanctuary #redshoulderedhawk #hawksofinstagram #raptor #raptorsofinstagram
Have you seen these swift and graceful birds at Mirasol? Photographed by our Visual Media Specialist, Mike Rivera, this swallow-tailed kite was keeping a close eye on our golf course during our April Men's Member/Guest Tournament!

Kites belong to the raptor family and are known for their long wings and tail, which allow them to glide with minimal wing flapping. They are also known for their skill in aerial acrobatics, sometimes even catching prey mid-flight!

Have you come across any #floridawildlife while enjoying time at Mirasol? Share your photos with us for a chance to be featured on our social media accounts on a future #WildlifeWednesday!

#mirasolcrittercorner #auduboncooperativesanctuary # kite #swallowtailedkite #birdsofinstagram