The Country Club at Mirasol

Welcome to the Mirasol Realtor page!


We hope this page is a useful resource as it was created to maintain consistency when agents are promoting Mirasol (or “MCA”) and to provide direct access for agents as they showcase Mirasol!

Forms and photography can be found in the dropdown menus below and brochure links are always available in the sidebar. We recommend returning frequently for updates. If you have additional questions after reviewing this page, please click here to send us an inquiry!

Real Estate video FPO

Click the graphic to download our Equity Membership Information brochure.

Real Estate video FPO

Click the graphic to view our Leasing Information brochure.

Membership Services • (561) 776-4949, option 7
Monday – Friday • 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.


  • Self-guided club tours are a flexible option available daily starting at 8 a.m.
  • Gate access to the Club can be arranged through the homeowner/listing agent or through Membership Services with at least 48 hours advanced notice.
  • Call (561) 776-4949, option 7 on weekdays or send an email to
  • Gate access to a home is only available through an owner or listing agent.
  • Self-guided tours arranged through Membership Services will receive a welcome package with maps, brochures, and bottled waters.
  • Complimentary, no tipping valet services begin at the Main Clubhouse daily starting at 11 a.m.
  • Washrooms are available in all buildings including the Bathhouse adjacent to the activity pools.
  • Access beyond The Spa desk is prohibited for tours.
  • Dining at the Club is limited to members and their sponsored guests.
  • The Club’s tour policy does not impact access to a home provided by an Owner or their representative.
  • Membership Services hosts tours by appointment only via Spaces are very limited.

Don’t miss where you’ll find videos of our community and amenities. Clients can also experience Mirasol through our social media sites! Find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Please note the photos and information provided on this page are the property of Mirasol Club & Association, Inc. (“MCA”) and available for use solely in connection with marketing homes located inside the gates of the residential community known as Mirasol. MCA reserves the right to modify or revoke privileges to use the photos and information at our sole discretion.

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Information and Photos


  • MCA is a mandatory membership home owner’s association and the MCA Board of Directors governs the Club and common areas.
  • Each village has additional governance through the Mirasol Master Maintenance Association “MMMA” and the office is located outside of the gates. Contact the MMMA at (561) 625-0030.
  • Properties outside of the gates such as Mirabella are not governed by or affiliated with MCA.
  • All home buyers must undergo background screenings and be approved before closing.
  • All tenants and their live-in guests must undergo background screenings and be approved in order to move into the Community.
  • Mirasol Realty is the on-site real estate company owned by MCA and operated by the Fite Group. Our agents work closely with Membership Services to provide a seamless experience for all prospects and are available nights and weekends to assist agents with tours.
  • Homeowners can obtain certificates verifying security services through the MCA Accounting Department by calling (561) 776-4949, ext. 119.

Q: Open Houses in Mirasol:
The following are community guidelines pertinent to Open Houses. Villages may adopt rules governing displays and other criteria concerning open houses. Owners should contact their village Property Manager for any additional guidelines beyond what is listed below.

  1. Balloons and/or signs are prohibited on common areas, street signs, and village entry signs.
  2. Displays on homes must be removed by the end of the business day.
  3. Parking is prohibited on grass and is restricted to the right side of the street when driveways are not available.
  4. Owners must permit entry for each individual requiring entry to their property. When hosting an open house, the Owner should notify MCA Security well in advance and provide authorization for guest access during the event.
  5. Club access for Open House attendees is not permitted without a Member.

Q: Are prospects permitted to dine or golf at the Club?
As a private club, access is granted only to guests of Members. Prospects and their representative may dine at the Club when sponsored by a Mirasol Member through a guest pass program and requests would be made through the listing agent. Fees for guest passes are required and must be charged to a sponsor’s member account.
Golf at Mirasol is open to Members and their accompanied guests and clients joining a Mirasol Realty agent. If you are unable to arrange a client to play a round with a Member, Membership Services can assist in scheduling a brief tour of the courses with a Mirasol Golf Professional.

Q: What is the policy for using drones within the Community and Recreational Areas?
Unmanned aerial device (drone) use in the villages is governed by Florida Statute. Drones are not permitted at the Recreational Facilities including golf courses for any reason unless prior permission has been granted through Membership Services. To request drone access at the Recreational Facilities for marketing purposes, a sponsoring Member may contact Membership Services in advance of the anticipated drone use. The office will confirm that scheduling does not conflict with any MCA drone programs and once approved a complimentary access pass will be issued for the drone operator and the home owner’s agent for the approved date. Once permission to use a drone over the Recreational Facilities is granted, MCA Management and Security will be notified and Florida law will govern use of such drone.

Drone access requests may be made Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. by calling (561) 776-4949, option 7 or send an email to

Thank you for helping maintain our vibrant brand!

Please contact Membership Services at (561) 776-4949, option 7 or if you need further assistance or have questions about our fees.

Photos & Logos

The photos and information provided are the property of Mirasol Club & Association, Inc. (“MCA”) and available to realtors for use solely in connection with marketing homes located inside the gates of the residential community known as Mirasol. We reserve the right to modify or revoke privileges to use the photos and information in our sole discretion. The following resources serve as the entire portfolio available to agents. Thank you for helping maintain our vibrant community!

Click the button below to view resources and click the thumbnails to enlarge the photos:















Estoppel Information
Request an estoppel certificate from Mirasol Club & Association, Inc. (“MCA”) by contacting Holly Stewart in Accounting at

Addendum to Residential Lease

MCA Addendum to the Contract for Sale and Purchase

MCA Applying for Membership Instructions

MCA Leasing Information